Sunday, June 19, 2011

Ryron Gracie Seminar: Lexington, South Carolina - Saturday, June 18th, 2011

We just completed an outstanding seminar with Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy Instructor, Ryron Gracie.  We had 30 people in attendance and covered great GJJ techniques including the clinch, leg hook takedown, mount control and guard strategies.  Ryron also discussed general Gracie Jiu-Jitsu training philosophy and strategy.  It was an honor to have him at my academy for his first Gracie Jiu-Jitsu seminar in South Carolina.  All the students enjoyed themselves.  In fact, I received numerous calls and emails soon after the seminar from attendees telling me how much they appreciated the opportunity to train and learn from Ryron Gracie.  I've included one such email below:

Mr. Carter,
I just wanted to thank you again for hosting such an awesome class. It was by far one of the best Father's Day presents I received this year. You and your students were very hospitable and professional. Ryron was amazing, I never thought I would be able to actually meet him let alone take a class from him. Again, thanks for bringing him here and making your facility available to not only your students but anyone (including myself) who was not associated with your school. Again, I was very impressed by the quality of instruction and professionalism I observed yesterday. For someone who has been in and out of martial arts for the past several years, I can honestly say that you and your school should be the standard others strive for. If everything works out, I would love the opportunity to train with you guys in the future.

Thanks and stay safe,

Scott Franklin

I look forward to having Ryron and the other Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy Instructors out to my academy in Lexington, South Carolina for seminars in the near future.  In fact, I will be traveling to the Headquarters Academy in Torrance California, next month to participate in the 2-Day final evaluation of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Instructor Certification Course.  When I return on Monday, August 1st, I will be rolling out the formal Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Adult and Youth Programs at my academy.  We will continue to offer top notch instruction in the art of Nihon Goshin Aikido and all our scheduled Aikido classes will remain unchanged.  I have been committed to the art of Nihon Goshin Aikido for 25 years and will continue to expand my personal knowledge, skills and teaching abilities in this art.  We are simply adding a new dimension to our offerings, services and curriculum at our academy.  I am proud to be a practitioner of Nihon Goshin Aikido and Gracie Jiu-Jisu.

Me and Ryron Gracie.

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