Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Youth Class Time

New Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Class for Youth ages 8 to 12 on Saturday mornings 9:00am to 10:00am.  Please take a moment and read the class description below.


"Every day 160,000 children miss school out of fear or intimidation of a bully."

-National Education Association

Jr. Grappler's (Ages 8 to 12)

Since bullying is most prevalent in this age group, we teach the children in the Jr. Grappler's class the techniques they must know in order to defend themselves if attacked. The best part about the techniques is that they are all non-violent control tactics designed to minimize injury to the bully if used during a real fight. What makes the GRACIE BULLYPROOF program unique is that we develop your child's character as well as their confidence. During each class, we dedicate a few minutes to discussing a featured character trait and the simple things your child can do to make it part of their everyday lives.

We also offer classes every Monday and Wednesday at 5:00!  Please stop by for a tour of our academy or a free class trial.

Sensei John Carter

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