Wednesday, September 30, 2009


At The Aikido Academy of Self-Defense, we specialize in practical, realistic and proven methods of self-defense. The program I would like to highlight is our BULLYSAFE program.

Many parents and youth who attend my academy report bullying in schools, neighborhoods and ball fields. What is more disturbing, is the percentage of youth who never report bullying to a parent or other trusted adult. Our BULLYSAFE program will provide you and your family with the tools to handle this unfortunate problem. We have four points of focus in this program:

1. Build Confidence: Having self-confidence is sometimes enough to stop a potential bully. If you learn to hold your head high and make eye contact, a bully may be less likely to see you as an easy target.

2. Improve Awareness: Establishing physical boundaries is an excellent method of staying out of a bad situation. Paying attention to your surroundings is a large percentage of preventing a potential attack.

3. Positive Channeling of Energy: As parents, we know how challenging it can be to find a positive, safe and professional activity in which to channel the energy of our youth. Our BULLYPROOF course combines, attention activities, self-defense drills, and physical exercise programs offering a great outlet for kids from all walks of life.

4. Prepare: As a last resort, you may find it necessary to use physical techniques to protect yourself. If a person invades your personal space, blocks your path to safety, or physically attacks, you may have to act.

Along with our self-defense program, we take pride in the personal development of our students. Throughout our lessons, we instill life skills such as Responsibility, Pride, Respect, Physical Wellness, Courtesy and Fair Play.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rank Revisions: Aikido Academy of Self-Defense - Columbia, South Carolina

At our academy, we work hard to constantly improve. Recently, we have revised and codified our ranking system which has proven to be extremely successful. The following is a basic description of each area of our curriculum.

Youth Program

Little Samurai: Ages 5 to 7
White Belt
Yellow Stripe
Blue Stripe
Green Stripe
Purple Stripe

Youth Aikido: Ages 8 to 12
Junior White Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido
Junior Yellow Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido
Junior Blue Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido
Junior Green Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido
Junior Purple Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido

Adult Program

NGA Fundamentals: Self-Defense Basics
White Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido
Yellow Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido
Blue Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido
Green Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido
Purple Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido
Brown Belt - Nihon Goshin Aikido and Jiu-Jitsu
Black Belt (1st Degree)- Nihon Goshin Aikido & Grappling Course
Black Belt (2nd Degree)-Nihon Goshin Aikido & Grappling Certification
Black Belt (3rd Degree) - Instructor Certifications

We look forward to not only improving our programs, but serving our student body and developing the knowledge base of our instructors. I am proud of the commitment level of all of our dojo members and instructors. It is an honor and privilege to teach each and every day at my academy.

Thanks for all the support.

Sensei John Carter